Home to one of the great ancient civilisations, Egypt continues to capture the imagination of many today. Iconic pyramids including the world’s only surviving Wonder of the World, romantic desert landscapes, and the world’s longest river guarantee that Egypt will continue to rule as a dream destination for a long time to come.


The ‘Pearl of the Mediterranean,’ the ancient Egyptian port of Alexandria is brimming with decadent charm. The capital of ancient Graeco-Roman Egypt, Alexandria was a beacon of culture symbolized by Pharos, the legendary lighthouse that was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Founded by its namesake, Alexander the Great in 332 B.C., Alexandria has been home to many historical figures: Cleopatra, Mark Antony, Julius Caesar and Euclid. Today, the city is said to have an atmosphere and culture that is more Mediterranean than Middle Eastern, a reminder of its ancient Roman connection. The charming seaside promenade, colonial buildings and wide avenues make it an exotic, romantic destination.


  • The amazing catacombs of Kom el Shawqafah [Mound of Shards], a 2nd century burial site with subterranean tombs and chambers.
  • Historical landmarks, of which there are plenty. Take time to explore the Roman Amphitheatre and Pompei's Pillar, among others.

Port Said (Cairo/Giza)

Port Said, founded in 1859 as a camp for labourers, became an important docking yard after the Suez Canal was built. The city stands on the banks of the Lake Manzala, and is, in many ways, Egypt's most beautiful city. The colourful canal helps keep the air cool and the numerous old houses with grand balconies embody the city’s old world charm.


  • The trading vessels and luxury liners along the Suez Canal make a picturesque backdrop to the city. Sharia Palestine Street, lined with shops, also makes for good strolling.
  • The National Museum, a repository for old Egyptian coins, textiles, parchment rolls and garments from the Pharaonic, Coptic and Islamic periods of Egyptian history; and, the Military Museum, which houses an interesting array of old Egyptian weapons.